Saturday, January 9, 2010

Eclipsing the New Year..with a Blue Moon

Not many New Year eves are celebrated the way 31st Night 2009 was celebrated.  I am a party man on 31st night, love the company of friends, light booze and lots of food and fun talk ! Add to the hysterical nostalgia when it mixes drinks and old friends every single new year we relive our entire life of fun with friends and become children.  31st 2009 was so special because I had no friends at my place, no parents, my wife and I did the celebration that was so uncommon.  'Once in a Blue moon' became so true because it was a night of a 'Blue Moon', i.e. a 2nd full moon night in the same month, add to that a Lunar eclipse. Traditional Hindu families force pregnant women to stay indoors during eclipse for the fear of harmful 'cosmic' rays which can cause harm to the unborn.  Call it crazy or unscientific, with our newborn on the way, we were not taking any chances.  A game of scrabble, a hot chocolate drink and a movie on the television was all that we did and it was an excellent beginning and an excellent end to the going year. Not as boring as I thought it would be, not as exciting as I thought it would be but it was certainly a special one good enough to be called 'Once in a Blue Moon' it will be a special New year eve that I will remember for times to come.

New Year ! New Tidings...YaY!

Hiya People, Wish you all a great new year, no resolutions till date, never made one, never could think of one for the next year, my days have been great so far so good.  With this new year comes a lot of hope, a lot of joy expected. 'Expected', 'Expecting' are words in my dictionary for the next 5 months to come.  My wife and I are expecting, can't be better than this, week count = 20 and counting fast.  With time I grow as a father to my unborn child, I have a 5 month period to prep myself up for a diaper changing, feeding young dad.
Things change fast with time, I got rotated on to a new group to enhance a skillset for the next six months at my work, expecting an arrival mid May, hoping that finance holds a new meaning with all that is going to come and joys apart I am going to rock 2010........Wish me all the luck ! Wish the world the best of luck in 2010.